Meet the Staff: Alide Florvil

Here at C2C, we love to highlight the amazing team members through a fun and informative Q&A. Get to know the newest addition to our staff, Ms. Alide Florvil!


Name: Alide Florvil

Where did you grow up?
I was born in the Central Plateau, in a town called Hinche but when I was six years old I moved to Port au Prince with my sister until I was six years old. Then, I moved back to Hinch and lived there for most of my life. I grew up with both my parents but my oldest sister was also like a mother to me.

Where did you go to school?
I did primary school in Port au Prince and then high school in Hinche. After high school, I went to auxiliary nurse school at the Edouard C. Joseph school in Hinche for 2 years. After graduating as an auxiliary nurse, I worked for a year at the Ste-Thérèse Hospital in Hinche but quickly found a job at World Vision where I was doing prenatal and postnatal consultations, training health agents and traditional birth attendants, and also visiting very rural and remote communities to bring health care. I worked at world vision for 7 years. After that, I decided to attend midwifery school as part of Midwives for Haiti’s one-year program. After graduation, I spent two years in the maternity ward at the Ste-Thérèse Hospital in Hinche and one year at MamaBaby Haiti before coming to C2C in July 2017.

What is your current title at C2C: Nurse Midwife

What do you do at C2C?
I do prenatal visits in the clinic and I am responsible for 4 maternal health agents- I trained them and supervise them as they conduct routine home visits with our pregnant patients participating in C2C’s expanded maternal health program. I am also responsible for enrolling women into the program and managing their care. I love my new job at C2C because I have many roles and responsibilities. It gives me the opportunity to learn new skills and share my knowledge with others.

How would you describe yourself?
I am someone that is very open to others, I am not shy. I love asking questions and learn new things. I’m always open to criticism because that is how I learn. I love working in a team with others because you can share knowledge but also learn a lot from other people’s experiences and point of view. In general, I am someone that loves helping others and giving time to help those in need that don’t have the same opportunities as I have. My work doesn’t stress me out- I am always looking for new ways to have fun!

What do you do for fun or relaxation?
I love to go to the beach and I also really love to dance. I wish I could go dancing more often. I also like to attend church every week.

Tell Us About Your Family (siblings/spouse/kids, etc):
My parents are farmers, they had ten kids, I am the youngest. Now, I am married and I have 3 kids of my own. One girl, 16 years old, and two boys, 12 and 4 years old.

What job would you dislike or be really bad at?
In life, there is no job that I would not do. I could do any job if I take the time to learn it. I enjoy learning new things. At the same time, there is no job that I would refuse to do, especially if I had to do a job to take care of my family. I believe that you should not refuse an opportunity that presents itself if it’s good for you and your family.  

Why did you become a nurse midwife?
Originally, my big dream was to become a doctor but my parents were farmers and were very poor. They had 9 kids before me, so they could not afford to pay for me to go to medical school. Eventually, I decided to go to auxiliary nursing school because it was the cheapest option but was still in the field of medicine. When I was younger, my father was always sick. He had stomach-related problems for a long time and I always took care of him, but I wished I could do more for him. That’s when I first got interested in medicine. After working as an auxiliary nurse for a long time, I came to realize that I was often faced with situations in the field where I could not help people because I did not have all the skills. Especially with pregnant women or women in labor. I decided to go to midwifery school so I can help more women and possibly save lives.

Who has influenced you the most in your career and why?
The person that influenced me the most is my father. It is because of him that I decided to study and work in health care.

Meet the Staff is a new Q&A series that highlights the work, experience, and lives of staff at C2C.


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