Context and Community: Developing a Sexual and Reproductive Health Program

C2C was recently featured in Knowledge Success, a global project led by a consortium of partners and funded by USAID’s Office of Population and Reproductive Health to support learning, and create opportunities for collaboration and knowledge exchange, within the family planning and reproductive health community.

Racha Yehia, C2C’s Managing Director, was interviewed about C2C’s new comprehensive sexual and reproductive health education program and gave insight into what it was like piloting a course from the ground up–discussing concerns with community members, creating a curriculum from scratch, and ultimately teaching the course to young women in our catchment area.

Read the full interview here:

C2C staff members introduce the SRH program at a clinic in the Sinek community in northern Haiti. Image credit: Care 2 Communities
C2C staff members introduce the comprehensive sexual and reproductive health program at a clinic in the Sinek community in northern Haiti.

This entry was posted on by Amanda Fata.