Category Archives: Uncategorized

International Women’s Day Event Provides Free Health Screenings for 100 Women in Northern Haiti

March 8th marked International Women’s Day, a time to bring attention to the global fight for women’s rights and gender equality. This year, in recognition of this important day, we hosted a special program at our Camp Coq, Haiti clinic. Our clinicians provided 100 women from the surrounding communities with free HIV and PAP testing.

Partnering with Borgnes Hospital, our clinical staff spent the day providing these two crucial tests to women of all ages. Both cancer and HIV/AIDS remain among the top ten causes of premature death in Haiti. While these tests can be lifesaving, paying for them can be a struggle for many women in the farming communities of the north.

At C2C we seek to provide the best primary care for women and their families. In 2015, 68% of patients at our clinics in Northern Haiti were female. They receive quality care from our clinic staff, which is 83% female itself.

C2C truly believes that healthy women are vital to healthy families and communities lipitor generic. Through our primary care, our community health screenings, and our free maternal health program, we strive to serve as many women in the communities of Northern Haiti as possible!




This entry was posted on by Allison Howard-Berry.

Care 2 Communities Responds to Zika Virus Concern in Haiti

Over the past couple weeks the mosquito-borne virus known as Zika has become a hot topic, not only in the health world, but in the global media as well. In response to an outbreak of cases across the Americas, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared Zika a global public health emergency. With all the concern surrounding this outbreak, we wanted to share some information about the virus, as well as what Care 2 Communities is doing in response in Haiti.

Zika is spread by mosquitos and, for most who contract the virus, symptoms are usually mild to moderate and can include fever, headache, and muscle and joint pain. There is no vaccine, and no cure, however, eighty percent of people that become infected show no symptoms, and those that do are usually better within a week.

The major concern lies in a possible connection between the Zika virus in pregnant women and microcephaly in newborns. While this connection has yet to be definitively proven, the possibility is strong, and pregnant women in countries with the virus must take extra precautions.

The first cases of Zika were confirmed in Haiti in January and the Haitian Ministry of Health is in the process of developing a coordinated national response view it. While C2C has yet to treat any patients presenting with the virus, we work in close partnership with the Ministry of Health and will adopt national protocols when they are established.

In the meantime, we are committed to helping to protect all pregnant women that are enrolled in C2C’s antenatal care program, over 600 women and growing, by distributing insect repellent and education about the dangers of standing pools of water as mosquito breeding grounds.   Additionally, Zika prevention awareness meetings will be incorporated into the weekly Community Health program. C2C’s focus is on promoting messages of prevention to vulnerable people and ensuring that pregnant patients are as protected as possible.

This entry was posted on by Allison Howard-Berry.

C2C founder, Elizabeth Sheehan, and C2C supporters featured in Holy Cross Magazine

We’re so excited that the Holy Cross Magazine has featured our Founder Elizabeth Sheehan, along with several other Holy Cross Alums and C2C supporters in their 50th volume!
Here, from the article, a quote from Elizabeth:

“The Holy Cross community really took a leap with me,” says Elizabeth Sheehan ’82. “Alums have become some of our longest and strongest supporters.”

Read the article in full, here.

This entry was posted on by Allison Howard-Berry.

Updated Technology Ensures Accurate Data and Response to Community Needs

C2C believes accurate, timely data are vitally important to our provision of the best possible health care to families in Haiti. In the spring of 2014 launched an electronic medical records system at our Camp Coq clinic. The system was an enormous upgrade from the paper systems our clinical team had used previously. As our clinic opened in Acul du Nord clinic, the system was already in place for the new team, and will also roll out with each new clinic opening in 2016.

As our clinics and services grow, C2C ensures our technology grows with us. Various updates to the system have included tablet surveys and GPS capabilities for our Community Health Workers, inventory updates to manage the pharmaceutical and laboratory supplies. These updates allow our staff to respond efficiently to community needs, understand patient satisfaction and challenges, and prevent stockouts in our pharmacy (thereby saving patients time and travel).

According to C2C’s Global Programs Manager, Julia Maxwell, “We always strive to ensure we are responding to community needs, and we count on our technology to provide accurate data on our patients as well as our business metrics. Additionally, clinical staff have the opportunity – rare in Haitian clinical settings – to receive computer and business management coaching and practice.”

This entry was posted on by Allison Howard-Berry.

Mobile DJs and Radio Ads Spread the Word in Haiti

At our newest clinic in Acul du Nord, Haiti, which opened in May, our staff reach out constantly to increase community awareness of our quality and services. C2C uses tried and true marketing methods – radio ads, community/church announcements, and word of mouth – and has also taken advantage of a medium that is more unique to Haiti – mobile DJs.

Recently, our Haitian team members joined four loyal C2C patients at a community radio station in Acul du Nord. They discussed and recorded patients’ reasons for selecting C2C as their primary care provider. The recordings will be used in three new radio commercials that will air throughout the area. These ads will be aired on the radio, as well as through mobile DJs. These mobile DJs drive cars or trucks with loud sound systems through communities. They air commercials and announcements for residents who might not have access to radios.

Claudia, a patient who has visited the Acul du Nord clinic a number of times since it opened in May, will be featured in the new commercial. She said, “The reason I like C2C better than other clinics is because when I go to C2C, I know I will get results, which is not necessarily true at other places. Before my consultation at the C2C clinic I had several illnesses. After the consultation, all of them were cured.”

C2C has previously had great success with these types of public announcement ads; however, we are looking forward to featuring patient voices for the first time!

This entry was posted on by Allison Howard-Berry.

What's in a Tagline?

We’re all familiar with taglines: a short phrase or slogan that seeks to convey information about a business or brand to potential customers. Taglines try to convey something extra about a brand’s “essence” – its core identity or appeal to the consumer. In the Haitian marketplace, this familiar marketing technique is used to sell everything from Coca-Cola to cell phone services.

At C2C, we’re applying the same principles to marketing our health services in the communities we serve. We interviewed dozens of C2C’s patients and community members to understand one simple question: What is the most important thing when you choose your health care provider?

The answers were overwhelmingly similar: people want to feel that their local clinic cares about them. At C2C clinics, we do lots of things to communicate to our patients that we care: our clinicians are welcoming and attentive; our pharmacy is always stocked; and we follow-up with patients 3 days after a visit to ensure that they are feeling better.

These simple actions set C2C apart. And we wanted a tagline to reflect that! We selected the Creole tagline to accompany our logo: “Sante’w se priyorite’n —- Your health is our priority”. And for C2C this isn’t just a tagline on a clinic sign; it defines our patient experience.

This entry was posted on by Allison Howard-Berry.

C2C Provides Free Maternal Health Care to Increase Safety for Moms and Babies in Northern Haiti

Maternal health is a critical component of community health care in any part of the world. In developing regions, however, the maternal mortality rate in is still 14 times higher than in developed regions (World Health Organization. Trends in Maternal Mortality: 1990-2013. Geneva: 2014, online).  To combat this reality and give babies the healthiest start in life, C2C has rolled out a new program offering free care for moms-to-be in Northern Haiti.

Dr. Chanlatte, a gynecologist and obstetrician, visits our Camp Coq and Acul du Nord clinics twice weekly to offer prenatal and ob/gyn services. Pregnant women receive all prenatal lab tests, pharmaceuticals, and an ultrasound for free. They are encouraged to come for four visits, as recommended by the World Health Organization – or more, if necessary. All patients work with clinicians to create a safe birth plan that addresses any identified irregularities, each will receive follow-up care, and all are encouraged to bring their infants (and all children) to the clinic for free immunizations.

Since this program began in mid-August, more than 200 pregnant women have participated, receiving check-ups, counseling, lab tests, and prescriptions, free of charge. C2C expects to provide more than 500 maternal care visits in the coming year.

This entry was posted on by Allison Howard-Berry.

Newest Team Member Shares His Journey to C2C

Evens Simeon joined the C2C team in August, as our new Senior Project Manager in Haiti.  He brings with him many years of NGO experience in Haiti, including working with the World Food Programme and the United Nations.  Here, he shares his background as well as his hopes for C2C’s future.

Joining C2C is a great thing for me for several reasons. I like the idea of sustainability behind the model, and also feel the work we are doing is critical. As Senior Program Manager, I will put all my energy and expertise into the success of this project. I believe my country really needs organizations like this. I have shared a bit of my background below.

I attended the Universite Notre Dame d’Haiti where I studied Administrative Sciences (Management) for 4 years. Soon after completing this degree I started working in the Marketing field for Sogecarte, a subsidiary of Sogebank, a well-known institution in Haiti. After two years there I was hired by United Nations for Project Services, in their Communication Center project. I spent almost 7 years working as the National Communication Center Supervisor. Following the completion of that project in February 2013, I joined the World Food Programme (WFP) in Haiti as Senior Communication Center Supervisor.

After the WFP project concluded, a friend invited me to take part in a social project that he was planning, Entreprise Social Priorité Education Developpement. The goal of the project was to offer financial assistance to poor people who desired to study, and to make a library and a cyber-center available. I liked the idea of helping Haitians help themselves, and that led me to C2C.


This entry was posted on by Allison Howard-Berry.

C2C Founder, Elizabeth Sheehan, featured in Boston Business Journal

We are thrilled that our Founder, Elizabeth Sheehan, has been recognized by the Boston Business Journal as one of their WomenUp.  Here, from the feature article, a quote from Elizabeth:

“In international issues of any kind, we need to be patient. Humble. We don’t know what the resource-poor need; we need to listen to them. We really have to turn the table around and collaborate, and understand how communities operate, before you have a solution for them. And be prepared to fail. Failing is where you have your best learning.”
Boston Business Journal subscribers can read the article in full, here.
This entry was posted on by Allison Howard-Berry.